Mend your relationship with food, body image and movement.
Tiffany Calcutt, MBA, RDN
Non-Diet Dietitian and Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor
1-on-1 and Group Counseling
Does your child struggle with food?
Helping kids, teens and families build positive relationships with food is my most rewarding work.
Want to nourish yourself?
We all want satisfaction from our food. No side of guilt required. It's time to learn how...
Athletes have specific nutrition needs
There's nothing like hands-on
Give a woman a fish, and you feed her for a day. Teach a woman to fish, and you feed her for a lifetime. - Chinese Proverb
Can you relate?
- You can’t remember NOT worrying about food.
- You’ve tried and “failed” at lots of fad diets.
- You’re caught in a weight loss and re-gain cycle.
- Your relationship with food and body is fraught.
- You think exercise is just a way to burn calories.
- You wish you could “just eat normally?”
- You’re done with diet culture diminishing your quality of life.
If so, I understand and we should connect.

¡HOLA! I’m Tiffany
Tiffany Calcutt, MBA, RDN, LD
Thanks for being here. I’m a bilingual, non-diet registered dietitian and a certified intuitive eating counselor. More importantly, I’m on a mission to help people enjoy a positive relationship with food and body. I practice from a weight-neutral, HAES (Health at Every Size®) approach, which is informed by the ten principles of intuitive eating.
Growing up in the era of Snackwells and waif cover models, I appreciate the challenges we face amidst diet culture. We have a lot of learning (and “unlearning”) to do. I’m grateful to bring my life experiences as former division 1 soccer player and mother of three girls to my work…read more.